Enhanced Multifocal Calculator

Quickstart Calculator

Use this online tool for help selecting the right starting power with the Enhanced Multifocal 1 Day Contact Lenses. Simply enter the spectacle refraction using full cylinder component and axis – the calculator gives you the starting power for the Enhanced Multifocal and adjustments to enhance distance and near.

1. Obtain BCSR

Determine the best corrected spectacle refraction (BCSR) with full cylinder component.

2. Perform DuoChrome

Optimize initial lens selection using the binocular red/green DuoChrome Test targeting 1-Click into Green.

3. Calculate Initial Trial Lens Power

Enter the full sphero-cylinidrical endpoint into the QuickStart Calculator below.

Spectacle Refraction - 1 Click Into GREEN (Enter 0 for Plano. MINUS is the default setting for cylinder. If you have a PLUS cylinder, please use the + sign

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Enhanced Multifocal Starting Diagnostic Lens Powers:
To Improve Distance, Change Diagnostic Lens Power To:
To Improve Near, Change Diagnostic Lens Power To:

Spectacle Refraction - 1 Click Into GREEN (Enter 0 for Plano. MINUS is the default setting for cylinder. If you have a PLUS cylinder, please use the + sign

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OS (L)
NaturalVue® Enhanced Multifocal Starting Diagnostic Lens Powers:
To Improve Distance, Change Diagnostic Lens Power To:
To Improve Near, Change Diagnostic Lens Power To: